Bitter Cold in Southwest Harbor Maine

Southwest Harbor, Maine on a cold December morning is the subject of this brief post. When I awoke today and saw the thermometer reading only 1°F I knew it would be a good time to get more pictures of sea smoke. After a quick cup of coffee, I jumped in the Subaru (which thankfully cranked over and started immediately) and drove down Clark Point road to the upper town dock which is just
Little Long Pond Carriage Roads

Mount Desert Island has more than 50 miles of carriage roads, most of them located in Acadia National Park. The five mile loop that we snowshoed on this morning is on private land that the Rockefeller’s generously allow the public to use. From our house in Southwest Harbor, we drove 20 minutes to get to the parking area which, amazingly, was plowed. The temperature was in the mid teens,
Winter Storm in Acadia National Park

This morning brought the first winter storm of the season to Mount Desert Island. Around noon we drove to the Seawall entrance of Acadia National Park (about 10 minutes by car from our house in Southwest Harbor). I wish we had gone out a few hours earlier when the tide was high to see the waves depositing rocks and a lobster trap up onto Route 102A. The temperature was just around freezing
Swan’s Island Maine in December

Swan’s Island, Maine in December is a cold place. How cold? When we left Bass Harbor to get on the ferry the temperature was 1°F. That’s pretty cold. And you have to be pretty crazy to go out on a boat in the ocean in that kind of weather. But my friend Howie was on a mission to scout out locations for a photo project he is working on and he asked Janice and I, along with his
The Lantern Walk

Last night the Southwest Harbor Library on Mount Desert Island held a Lantern Walk. “As the days start to grow shorter we start to think about light and ways we can celebrate it. A lantern walk is an observance of the changing season.” In preparation for this event, all were invited to come to the library the Thursday before to make lanterns. Janice was there as a volunteer helping the
Bar Harbor 6th Annual Bed Races

The 6th annual Bed Races and Early Bird Pajama Sale were held yesterday in Bar Harbor. Janice and I (she in chartreuse pajamas and bath robe) attended along with over one thousand other people on a chilly November morning with temps in the low forties. The Pajama Sale event started at 6 AM with shops offering discounts to everyone, but an extra 5% off for those wearing their jammies. The
Acadia from Dusk to Dawn

Since moving to Mount Desert Island in September, I have seen some spectacular sunrises and sunsets. Last Saturday November 2, Janice and I went out on one last kayak trip for the season. We chose Seal Cove Pond and what a lucky choice it was. We got on the water about 4:30 PM and an hour later the sky started changing colors and patterns every few minutes. And then it was dark. The
2013 Mount Desert Island Marathon

Today we walked to the end of our street to watch the last .2 miles of the 2013 Mount Desert Island Marathon. The finish line was a 5 minute walk from our house. And all those people ran 26.2 miles to get there! The race also included a half marathon (red bibs). Maybe someday I can run the 13.1 mile course, but for today, I had a lot of fun taking these shots and listening to the crowd
Fall on Mount Desert Island

Our first fall on Mount Desert Island has been beautiful. The autumn color has lasted for weeks, and there’s still plenty to enjoy. On Friday and Saturday we toured the island and I captured the images on this page using the Canon 5D3 with 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. My new iPhone 5S has served well as an always-at-hand camera, but it can’t compete with the big (and very heavy) full-frame Canon
Moose Island

Today we had a rare opportunity to visit a private island.The MDI Photo Club arranged the trip by getting permission from the land owners who were kind enough to let us photograph their property. Janice and I, along with our daughter Emma who was home for the long Columbus Day weekend, met the club on the western shore of Mount Desert Island (MDI) about two hours before low tide and waited