Gorham Mountain Trail and Sand Beach

Today Emma and I conquered the Gorham Mountain Trail in winter conditions. A few weeks early the two of us and Janice had attempted this hike, but turned back after about a half mile because parts of the trail were too steep, narrow, and icy for snowshoes. This time we wore crampons and had no trouble at all, even with several inches of snow on top of the ice.
We parked in the
Southwest Harbor, Maine in January

The thermometer in my Southwest Harbor kitchen read -7° F when I left the house this morning to take pictures. Such cold weather is not uncommon here in January, but it’s rare enough that I wanted to capture these frigid scenes while I had the chance. Mount Desert Island is a much different place in the winter than in the summer, but the scenery is equally spectacular. For the those
Saint Sauveur Mission on Christmas Day

In June 1613, French Jesuit missionaries attempted to establish a colony on Mount Desert Island. Convinced by Abnaki Chief Asticou that the current day Fernald Point would be an excellent location, they came ashore, celebrated mass, and named the place Saint Sauveur. Presumably the reference is to our holy savior Jesus Christ and not to an actual saint since, to the best of my knowledge,
Bitter Cold in Southwest Harbor Maine

Southwest Harbor, Maine on a cold December morning is the subject of this brief post. When I awoke today and saw the thermometer reading only 1°F I knew it would be a good time to get more pictures of sea smoke. After a quick cup of coffee, I jumped in the Subaru (which thankfully cranked over and started immediately) and drove down Clark Point road to the upper town dock which is just
Little Long Pond Carriage Roads

Mount Desert Island has more than 50 miles of carriage roads, most of them located in Acadia National Park. The five mile loop that we snowshoed on this morning is on private land that the Rockefeller’s generously allow the public to use. From our house in Southwest Harbor, we drove 20 minutes to get to the parking area which, amazingly, was plowed. The temperature was in the mid teens,
Winter Storm in Acadia National Park

This morning brought the first winter storm of the season to Mount Desert Island. Around noon we drove to the Seawall entrance of Acadia National Park (about 10 minutes by car from our house in Southwest Harbor). I wish we had gone out a few hours earlier when the tide was high to see the waves depositing rocks and a lobster trap up onto Route 102A. The temperature was just around freezing
Swan’s Island Maine in December

Swan’s Island, Maine in December is a cold place. How cold? When we left Bass Harbor to get on the ferry the temperature was 1°F. That’s pretty cold. And you have to be pretty crazy to go out on a boat in the ocean in that kind of weather. But my friend Howie was on a mission to scout out locations for a photo project he is working on and he asked Janice and I, along with his