The Great Meadow

Today Janice and I explored the Great Meadow in Acadia National Park. From Bar Harbor, we drove to the end of Great Meadow Drive and parked at the locked gate about 100 yards from the Park Loop Road which you can see in a few of the pictures below. From there we walked to Sieur de Monts where we got onto the Jesup Path which begins as a long wooden boardwalk. We followed the path back to the
Winter on Saint Sauveur Mountain

Today we did a one-way hike from the Flying Mountain parking lot to the Acadia Mountain trail head on route 102. Cameron and I drove one car to the parking area on route 102 and then drove over to meet up with Janice and Emma with the other car at Flying Mountain. This is one way to do a one-way hike (ha ha). In the summer we sometimes take a car with bikes and leave either the car or the
Hadlock Brook and Hemlock Bridge

Janice and I hiked up to the Waterfall Bridge in Acadia National Park during a heavy rain. We knew the water would be flowing heavily, but still we were amazed by just how much water runs off the mountains of Mount Desert Island during a storm. On our walk long the carriage roads starting at the Parkman Mountain parking area, every culvert, spout, and normally dry stream was gushing water.
Perpendicular Trail

The Perpendicular Trail is located in Acadia National Park on the “quiet side” of Mount Desert Island. Being one of my favorite trails in the park, I chose to photograph it from end to end.
Though only a mile long, the Perpendicular Trail is not for the faint of heart because your heart will get a workout as you ascend the trail’s 704 stone steps. For even more
Hadlock Stream

Hadlock Stream originates at the southern end of Lower Hadlock Pond, travels through the Northeast Harbor Golf Club course, crosses Sargent Drive, and empties into Somes Sound. This picturesque bridge is located on the Golf Club trail which is part of a network of trails maintained by the Northeast Harbor Village Improvement Society (VIS). Incorporated in 1898, the VIS maintains 14 trails
West Ledge Trail

Today Janice and I awoke to a temperature of 29°F. Yes, fall is here and winter is not far behind. We dressed warmly in preparation for a hike up the West Ledge Trail to the top of Bernard Mountain. To get there, we got onto the Western Mountain fire road and followed it nearly to Seal Cove Pond where there’s a little turnout opposite the trail head. Total driving time from our house:
Worldwide Photowalk

Today members of the MDI Photo Club and other New England photographers gathered for the seventh Annual Worldwide Photowalk™. Taking place in cities around the world, photographers of all walks of life and skill levels got together to socialize, share and inspire during this one-day, worldwide event. Howie Motenko of Acadia Photo Safari was the leader for the MDI walk. He took our group
Beech Mountain Loop Trail

Beech Mountain is located on the west side of Mount Desert Island in Acadia National Park. With a summit of only 839 feet, it’s not one of the higher peaks, but it has a commanding view, so much so that a fire tower was erected there in the 1960’s. Janice and Emma and I chose this hike today because it was short and we only had a few hours until dark. We drove to the end of Beech Hill Road
Bald Peak and Parkman Mountain

Acadia National Park is a hiker’s paradise. With more than 20 peaks to climb and some 125 miles of hiking trails ranging in difficulty from easy to difficult, there is something for everybody. In winter even the easiest trail can be dangerous when covered with ice. Today’s hike with Janice and Emma was less than three miles long, but it was probably the most challenging one we’ve been on
Sargent Mountain, Acadia National Park

Today we hiked to the summit of Sargent Mountain in search of Snowy Owls. With its peak at 1,373 feet, Sargent is the second highest mountain on Mount Desert Island after Cadillac Mountain which is slightly taller at 1,530 feet. Snowy Owls have been sighted this winter on both mountains in Acadia National Park, though we did not see any during our hike on Cadillac last month. But today,