Linda and Dan on the Elizabeth T.

Linda and Dan Lunt welcomed me aboard the wooden lobster boat Elizabeth T. for a photo session. Actually, I welcomed them aboard because I arrived early to set up my camera and lighting. It was a blustery fall day with a hint of winter in the air. I met this couple last month when I charted the boat from the wonderful folks at Sail Acadia as part an event I was hosting for a large group of
Sunbeam Trip to Frenchboro, Maine

The tiny village of Frenchboro is located on Long Island, eight miles southeast of Bass Harbor, Maine. The 2,500 acre island is just two miles long by a mile and a half across at its widest point. Today I traveled to Frenchboro on the Sunbeam V, a 75 foot vessel operated by the Maine Sea Coast Mission. The journey was a field trip for an Acadia Senior College class I have been taking
Morris Memorial Regatta

The sixth annual Tom Morris Memorial Regatta was hosted today by the MDI Community Sailing Center (MDICSC) and the Northeast Harbor Sailing School (NEHSS), the event is a fundraiser for the MDICSC and NEHSS scholarship programs. I photographed the race from a chase boat piloted by MDICSC director Glenn Squires. Also on board was Joe Keeney of
Optimist and 420 Class Sailboat Races

It was a foggy day on Mount Desert Island, but that didn’t prevent nearly 40 boats from competing in today’s Opti and 420 races sponsored by the MDI Community Sailing Center (MDICSC) in Southwest Harbor, Maine. The Optimist is one of the most popular single-handed sailing dinghies in the world. It is intended for use by children up to the age of 15. The International 420 is a
MDI Community Sailing Center

The MDI Community Sailing Center (MDICSC) is an independent non-profit organization located on Clark Point Road in Southwest Harbor, Maine. It offers maritime education and boating instruction to the general public of Mount Desert Island and surrounding coastal communities. Janice and I are enrolled in the adult beginners sailing course and loving it. And what’s not to love. We walk a mile
Waters Edge, W. P. Stewart Estate

Waters Edge is a private estate on Sargeant Drive in Northeast Harbor, Maine. It has lovely gardens and expansive views across Somes Sound to the mountains of Acadia National Park. Each year the W. P. Stewart family opens this fabulous property for a spring garden tour to support a local nonprofit organization. This year the host and beneficiary of the event was the Harbor House Community
Gorham Mountain Trail and Sand Beach

Today Emma and I conquered the Gorham Mountain Trail in winter conditions. A few weeks early the two of us and Janice had attempted this hike, but turned back after about a half mile because parts of the trail were too steep, narrow, and icy for snowshoes. This time we wore crampons and had no trouble at all, even with several inches of snow on top of the ice.
We parked in the
Saint Sauveur Mission on Christmas Day

In June 1613, French Jesuit missionaries attempted to establish a colony on Mount Desert Island. Convinced by Abnaki Chief Asticou that the current day Fernald Point would be an excellent location, they came ashore, celebrated mass, and named the place Saint Sauveur. Presumably the reference is to our holy savior Jesus Christ and not to an actual saint since, to the best of my knowledge,
Bitter Cold in Southwest Harbor Maine

Southwest Harbor, Maine on a cold December morning is the subject of this brief post. When I awoke today and saw the thermometer reading only 1°F I knew it would be a good time to get more pictures of sea smoke. After a quick cup of coffee, I jumped in the Subaru (which thankfully cranked over and started immediately) and drove down Clark Point road to the upper town dock which is just
Winter Storm in Acadia National Park

This morning brought the first winter storm of the season to Mount Desert Island. Around noon we drove to the Seawall entrance of Acadia National Park (about 10 minutes by car from our house in Southwest Harbor). I wish we had gone out a few hours earlier when the tide was high to see the waves depositing rocks and a lobster trap up onto Route 102A. The temperature was just around freezing