New York City in Winter

New York’s lower east side is where my journey began this morning. I flew to LaGuardia last night from Bangor, Maine and checked into the “tenement chic” Blue Moon Hotel. This now upscale neighborhood was once one of the most densely populated places on earth. It is rich in history, though much of it is very dark. After checking into my if-only-the-walls-could-talk room, I walked around
Walk Around Lens for New York City

New York is so nice they had to name it twice (so says Nina Hagen). I love walking around in New York City. Everywhere you go there’s something interesting to see. And photograph. For a trip to Manhattan last month, I took just one walk around lens. The large image below and the other interior shots are of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). I like to imagine that the women with red hair is
Golden Hour in New York City

In photography, the golden hour (sometimes known as magic hour) is the first and last hour of sunlight during the day when a specific photographic effect is achieved due to the quality of the light [wikipedia]. Last month I had opportunities to shoot at both dusk and dawn in New York City. Most of us are already awake at dusk, but getting those early morning shots of the first light requires