Seal Harbor Regatta

Today’s images are from the Seal Harbor Regatta. Most of the photos are from the 420 races, plus a few of the Luders and IOD boats. Do these kids look like they are having fun or what? Thank you to John Roberts of the MDI Community Sailing Center for taking Janice and I out in his Whaler to photograph this event.
Morris Memorial Regatta

The sixth annual Tom Morris Memorial Regatta was hosted today by the MDI Community Sailing Center (MDICSC) and the Northeast Harbor Sailing School (NEHSS), the event is a fundraiser for the MDICSC and NEHSS scholarship programs. I photographed the race from a chase boat piloted by MDICSC director Glenn Squires. Also on board was Joe Keeney of
Optimist and 420 Class Sailboat Races

It was a foggy day on Mount Desert Island, but that didn’t prevent nearly 40 boats from competing in today’s Opti and 420 races sponsored by the MDI Community Sailing Center (MDICSC) in Southwest Harbor, Maine. The Optimist is one of the most popular single-handed sailing dinghies in the world. It is intended for use by children up to the age of 15. The International 420 is a
MDI Community Sailing Center

The MDI Community Sailing Center (MDICSC) is an independent non-profit organization located on Clark Point Road in Southwest Harbor, Maine. It offers maritime education and boating instruction to the general public of Mount Desert Island and surrounding coastal communities. Janice and I are enrolled in the adult beginners sailing course and loving it. And what’s not to love. We walk a mile
Northeast Harbor Fleet

The Northeast Harbor Fleet formed in August of 1923. Northeast Harbor has long been a popular sailing destination with the first organized races recorded in the 1890s. The Fleet is a seasonal organization formed to promote boating and sailboat racing in the waters surrounding Mount Desert Island. I shot the photos below prior to and during an International One-Design Class race at the head
Pretty in Pink Flamingo Festival

Pink, pink, and more pink is the color of the weekend during the annual Pink Flamingo Festival in Southwest Harbor, Maine. Sponsored by the Harbor House, a non-profit organization serving the communities of Mount Desert Island, the festival boasts a parade, craft fair, kids carnival and lots more. The awesome Southwest Harbor Public Library puts on their paperback book sale that weekend
Sea Ledges – Manset, Maine

Sea Ledges is located on the Shore Road in Manset, Maine on Mount Desert Island. Its views of Southwest Harbor, Somes Sound, and Acadia National Park are spectacular. With kind permission from the owners, I made the panorama below on the summer solstice at 5:23 AM. I used a Canon 5D3 and a Canon 45mm f/2.8 tilt/shift lens shooting 1/125 sec, f/5.6 at ISO 100. The pano is a combination of
Waters Edge, W. P. Stewart Estate

Waters Edge is a private estate on Sargeant Drive in Northeast Harbor, Maine. It has lovely gardens and expansive views across Somes Sound to the mountains of Acadia National Park. Each year the W. P. Stewart family opens this fabulous property for a spring garden tour to support a local nonprofit organization. This year the host and beneficiary of the event was the Harbor House Community
Acadia Photo Safari

Today I went on a Sunset Cruise Safari with photographer Howie Motenko on a 28-foot ‘lobster yacht’ piloted by his sweet wife Brenda. Howie gave me some great tips for shooting on the water and Brenda placed the boat in optimal locations for getting the best shots. At just $75 per person for a three-hour trip, this is a great deal that I highly recommend for photographers at all levels.
Memorial Day Parade

The town of Southwest Harbor, Maine, held it’s Memorial Day parade this morning at 9 AM in remembrance of those men and women who died while serving in our country’s armed forces. For a parade that barely lasted 10 minutes, it was packed with all the essential ingredients that make an event like this so enjoyable to attend. It had marching bands, fire trucks, adorable children, active duty