Acadia Photo Safari

Today I went on a Sunset Cruise Safari with photographer Howie Motenko on a 28-foot ‘lobster yacht’ piloted by his sweet wife Brenda. Howie gave me some great tips for shooting on the water and Brenda placed the boat in optimal locations for getting the best shots. At just $75 per person for a three-hour trip, this is a great deal that I highly recommend for photographers at all levels.
Memorial Day Parade

The town of Southwest Harbor, Maine, held it’s Memorial Day parade this morning at 9 AM in remembrance of those men and women who died while serving in our country’s armed forces. For a parade that barely lasted 10 minutes, it was packed with all the essential ingredients that make an event like this so enjoyable to attend. It had marching bands, fire trucks, adorable children, active duty
Ice Fishing on Eagle Lake, Mount Desert Island

This morning the MDI Photo Club met on Eagle Lake to shoot and socialize (translation: take pictures and talk about photography). Located in Acadia National Park on Mount Desert island, this pristine body of water is nearly two miles long and about a half mile wide. This time of year its frozen surface hosts ice fisherman, cross-country skiers, and on this day, a dozen photographers eager
My 15 Seconds of Fame

Andy Warhol once said that everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes. Would you take 15 seconds? That’s what I got when an image I shot in 2011 (first photo below) of two of my favorite subjects (Emma and her best-dog-that-ever-was Ginger) flashed onto the Jumbotron (second photo below) at the TD Garden in Boston right in the middle of the U.S. Figure Skating Championships. I was famous
Winter Storm in Acadia National Park

This morning brought the first winter storm of the season to Mount Desert Island. Around noon we drove to the Seawall entrance of Acadia National Park (about 10 minutes by car from our house in Southwest Harbor). I wish we had gone out a few hours earlier when the tide was high to see the waves depositing rocks and a lobster trap up onto Route 102A. The temperature was just around freezing
The Lantern Walk

Last night the Southwest Harbor Library on Mount Desert Island held a Lantern Walk. “As the days start to grow shorter we start to think about light and ways we can celebrate it. A lantern walk is an observance of the changing season.” In preparation for this event, all were invited to come to the library the Thursday before to make lanterns. Janice was there as a volunteer helping the
Bar Harbor 6th Annual Bed Races

The 6th annual Bed Races and Early Bird Pajama Sale were held yesterday in Bar Harbor. Janice and I (she in chartreuse pajamas and bath robe) attended along with over one thousand other people on a chilly November morning with temps in the low forties. The Pajama Sale event started at 6 AM with shops offering discounts to everyone, but an extra 5% off for those wearing their jammies. The
2013 Mount Desert Island Marathon

Today we walked to the end of our street to watch the last .2 miles of the 2013 Mount Desert Island Marathon. The finish line was a 5 minute walk from our house. And all those people ran 26.2 miles to get there! The race also included a half marathon (red bibs). Maybe someday I can run the 13.1 mile course, but for today, I had a lot of fun taking these shots and listening to the crowd
Portraits of Hurricane Irene

On August 28, 2011 the flood waters of Hurricane Irene swept through the tiny village of Moretown, Vermont leaving a wake of destruction. I had the privilege of photographing many of the volunteers who came to help with the cleanup effort. Here are some of my favorite portraits.
Irene Portrait