Southwest Harbor February 2017

Mother nature came with a vengeance this week delivering back to back storms and blizzard conditions. Up until a few days ago, it had snowed only once and just a few inches. My snowshoes felt neglected. I’ve learned however that just because it hasn’t snowed doesn’t mean it won’t snow. And blow, and drift, and snow some more. To get the pictures I shot today, I first had to exit my front
Southwest Harbor “Now”

This spring I photographed more than 30 scenes in Southwest Harbor, Maine for a “Then & Now” exhibit held at the Southwest Harbor Public Library during the month of July. The “then” photos came from the library’s Collection of Photographs and most dated from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In the exhibit, the then and now images were paired and accompanied by a description of the
Pretty in Pink Flamingo Festival

Pink, pink, and more pink is the color of the weekend during the annual Pink Flamingo Festival in Southwest Harbor, Maine. Sponsored by the Harbor House, a non-profit organization serving the communities of Mount Desert Island, the festival boasts a parade, craft fair, kids carnival and lots more. The awesome Southwest Harbor Public Library puts on their paperback book sale that weekend
Sea Ledges – Manset, Maine

Sea Ledges is located on the Shore Road in Manset, Maine on Mount Desert Island. Its views of Southwest Harbor, Somes Sound, and Acadia National Park are spectacular. With kind permission from the owners, I made the panorama below on the summer solstice at 5:23 AM. I used a Canon 5D3 and a Canon 45mm f/2.8 tilt/shift lens shooting 1/125 sec, f/5.6 at ISO 100. The pano is a combination of
Memorial Day Parade

The town of Southwest Harbor, Maine, held it’s Memorial Day parade this morning at 9 AM in remembrance of those men and women who died while serving in our country’s armed forces. For a parade that barely lasted 10 minutes, it was packed with all the essential ingredients that make an event like this so enjoyable to attend. It had marching bands, fire trucks, adorable children, active duty
Southwest Harbor Maine Panorama

Southwest Harbor, Maine is located in the southwest quadrant of Mount Desert Island. Aptly named, it’s area of 22.69 square miles and population of less than 2,000 people are nearly entirely surrounded by Acadia National Park and the Atlantic Ocean. In summer the harbor is full of boats small and large, from kayaks to multimillion dollar yachts. This time of year lobster boats are
Southwest Harbor, Maine in February

Southwest Harbor is located on the “quiet side” of Mount Desert Island (MDI). “Quiet” is a term relative to the east side of the island where you’ll find Bar Harbor and some of the most popular spots in Acadia National Park. During the “high season” months of July and August, the east side is very busy and hoppin’ place. In summer, the west side has plenty of activity too, but many
Southwest Harbor, Maine in January

The thermometer in my Southwest Harbor kitchen read -7° F when I left the house this morning to take pictures. Such cold weather is not uncommon here in January, but it’s rare enough that I wanted to capture these frigid scenes while I had the chance. Mount Desert Island is a much different place in the winter than in the summer, but the scenery is equally spectacular. For the those
Bitter Cold in Southwest Harbor Maine

Southwest Harbor, Maine on a cold December morning is the subject of this brief post. When I awoke today and saw the thermometer reading only 1°F I knew it would be a good time to get more pictures of sea smoke. After a quick cup of coffee, I jumped in the Subaru (which thankfully cranked over and started immediately) and drove down Clark Point road to the upper town dock which is just
Winter Storm in Acadia National Park

This morning brought the first winter storm of the season to Mount Desert Island. Around noon we drove to the Seawall entrance of Acadia National Park (about 10 minutes by car from our house in Southwest Harbor). I wish we had gone out a few hours earlier when the tide was high to see the waves depositing rocks and a lobster trap up onto Route 102A. The temperature was just around freezing