Cadillac Mountain South Ridge Trail in Winter

Hiking to the top of Cadillac Mountain in winter has been on my wish list for some time. Last year while still living in Vermont, I read in the Mount Desert Islander newspaper about a guy near my age (58) who was hiking up Cadillac and had to be rescued after slipping on the ice and seriously injuring himself.
Bass Harbor Marsh, Acadia National Park

Bass Harbor Marsh originates in Southwest Harbor in the area where Marshall Brook and Lurvey Brook come together. This combination of south flowing freshwater quickly forms into a large meandering stream with the classic S curves that naturally develop when a river or stream travels across nearly flat terrain. The flow continues to widen, is joined and fed by Buttermilk Brook, and
Witch Hole Pond Carriage Road

Braving the cold to have fun is simply part of living in Maine in the winter. For Janice and Emma and I, today’s recreation was a walk on the carriage roads around Witch Hold Pond. This 4.6 mile loop begins and ends at the Duck Brook Bridge which is accessed from route 233. The large image below is the view of the pond from its northern most end looking south. Believe me, it felt as cold
Gorham Mountain Trail and Sand Beach

Today Emma and I conquered the Gorham Mountain Trail in winter conditions. A few weeks early the two of us and Janice had attempted this hike, but turned back after about a half mile because parts of the trail were too steep, narrow, and icy for snowshoes. This time we wore crampons and had no trouble at all, even with several inches of snow on top of the ice.
We parked in the