Moose Island

Posted by on Oct 12, 2013 in Places

Today we had a rare opportunity to visit a private island.The MDI Photo Club arranged the trip by getting permission from the land owners who were kind enough to let us photograph their property. Janice and I, along with our daughter Emma who was home for the long Columbus Day weekend, met the club on the western shore of Mount Desert Island (MDI) about two hours before low tide and waited until the water receded far enough to expose a sand bar that connects Moose Island to MDI. Then we just walked across!

In the large black & white image below, photo club members Kat and Brenda are waiting on the Moose Island end of the bar, anxious to make the crossing and start hiking the lovely trail around the island's perimeter. The last image shows what the bar looked like once the tide was all the way out. The view is from Moose Island looking back toward MDI. I shot that image (and the one with the lichen on the rocks) with a 45mm tilt/shift lens that allowed both the foreground and distant background to be in focus.

Kat and Brenda at the Bar

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